Saturday, October 14, 2006

5th Conversion Workshop

95 Probe EV Conversion Workshop #5 10/14/06

We stripped the ’84 Bronco II, removing all the batteries and battery boxes. The boxes are well made from ¼” aluminum and may come in handy.
I was thinking of making a range extending trailer with all the batteries from the Bronco…. We’ll see….

Boy the floor of the Bronco has a lot of holes in it.. no wonder the floor heaved all over the place when driving….

We cleaned up the damaged motor shaft and installed the coupling. Oops, the coupling will not work without modification.

Here is what the coupling looks like:

Here is what it should look like:

Spun up the motor on the bench, the rear bearing sounds bad so we need to replace it. I suspect some surface rust on the bearing like the auxiliary rear shaft (shaft cleaned up OK).Listen to this sound byte.

See you Saturday!!


Tedd said...

Very good info and excellent photos and descriptions. Would like to know more about your project.


Unknown said...

People should learn more about energy alternatives like electric cars. The new ones coming out are way better than gas cars. One of the main electric car companies, Zap, has delivered more than 100,000 electric vehicles (source: EV’s cost 1 to 3 cents per mile to run, compare that to regular cars!

Aikeru said...

This is so awesome!! Thank you so much for posting all of this information so thoroughly, I am doing my own 1996 Ford Probe conversion so this will be tremendously helpful!

( )

KaptainPlanet said...

Hello I have been trying to find a way to get in touch with you because I have a 1995 ford probe that I want to convert. It is an automatic though not a stick shift and that could be a problem. Have you gotten your conversion up and running yet? What do you expect the range on your conversion to be? Also the motor I am thinking of using is a Warp9 144 volt to 192 volt capability. Do you think that will effect the range of the vehicle because the motor may not be running at its most efficient at a lower voltage and lower RPM? Also have you heard good things about Zilla controllers?